Saturday, March 20, 2010

What Camera Bag Do The Professionals Use

[zla ya]

whether hormones
whether head
offended / camping
ordinary course of events
leading to quarrels
I found your sore spot
unless nadavlyu - the day is lived in vain
impish ram
but in another way I can not

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Poptropica For Ipod Touch


draya tile in the hallway, realized banal thing:
that whatever you do,
a time something goes away.
And so it became not on itself.
Maybe just on the eve of the 20 th anniversary in mind things like climbing,
maybe it's time to already in full flow of time to understand and accept.

News ...
news again: repair defeated Canada
I surrendered to the onslaught of parents
course, yes! New kitchen and hallway is more necessary than a month job in Toronto
News of two parts: one month living alone, parents travel
and for this I need a new kitchen and a set of pans!
News Three: mull trip to Spain
something tells me that you need to catch and Portugal
almost suitcases
although prior to sending at least another 3 months ^ _ ^