Thursday, June 18, 2009

Right Tibial Periosteal Reaction

Greetings, Earthlings

I begin my adventures in this world that is LJ, a world which I know nothing and I'm more lost than the control of the DVD.

anyone ever thought it? Is to pronounce the words: "Come, I'll put a movie" and the command disappears. In my opinion, the command is smart and out of legs at the first opportunity, and understandably so. That is, to you is a tíoy fucks you with his hand, go you know where that hand's been, and you start to put the finger everywhere. You say it with gentle and tender as it has a pass, but the thing is that squeezes more power not just fat finger a black bull Vic He does not like anyone.

Another theory I have is that under the sofa cushions is the paradise of controls, if not, I do not understand because it always appears there. Although, of course, you find so many things under the couch cushions ... Last Tuesday I met a gentleman, and obviously, I asked him what he was doing in my couch. It turned out the previous tenant of the flat that going recalled that he dropped a bill of 1000 pesetas and still was looking for. "And how they managed to survive up to now?" I asked. He replied that based on bread crumbs, that it was full. Took the opportunity to ask if he had seen a white knob, long and thin and I said no, but introduced me to his dog. San Bernardo built a 1:1 scale with lint that was out there.

The third and last theory I have is that the controls are no real controls, I mean. Has anyone ever opened a command?, It is because I am, and inside have a rare and tiny things like something out of Star Trek all. So much thing only to give a botóny you change channels? I do not deceive me it's something from NASA. Yes, sure NASA is watching us through our officers and they disappear is because they have to collect all the information gathered. I know all of us, what we eat, dress size we use, the hiding of the vase that we broke our mother and we do not want to find, come all.

In conclusion, we must leave office in one easy place find and eb which the NASA can not find it looking for more. There, I get into the parallel universe that exists between the sofa cushions, anyway there you will say where you say.

Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy my welcome tejeta.

Greetings: Shino31.


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